Saturday, January 31, 2009

Steeler Nation AKA SIXburgh!

My Brother Jim is ready wearing one of our Steel head beams, waving his original Myron Cope Terrible Towel and showing honor to #7!
The meal... Kielbasa sandwhiches, grilled to perfection and then braised in beer brewed in Pittsburgh. We put the meat in a crock post and helped ourselves, kind a like a steeler nation buffet!

Every Pittsburgh meal needs a bowl of suerkraut!

The map table is full of the most awesome collections of steeler and pittsburgh memorabilia!

Tom was on the edge in the fourth quarter, but then the fumble happened and history was soon made!

WooHOO! Wave them towels!

Getting ready for the big game is fun.


Eats - Polish Kielbasa grilled with onions peppers, suerkrout, baked beans, coleslaw, fries, hard rools, snacky football food, whoopie pie cakes, etc.
Beverages: Iron City beer (what else would you serve???)

Decorations: Black and Gold streamers, Game Beads, pom pom, Pittsburgh Post Gazettes, photos of us at the game, lots and lots of steeler memorabilia, steel head hats, terrible towels, banners, etc

We are almost ready.... Yay! Go Steelers!

Picksburgh Spirit! Check

A Steel head for me, dan, and Jim... check check

Memorabilia check check check

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