Friday, April 17, 2009

Rather Than Cleaning ...

Why clean when you can craft?

and crafting is so much more fun!

I made this little nest garland for my garland swap partner, Suz. Hopefully she has received it and loves it. This is made with textured card stock, vintage writing paper, vintage crepe paper, silver course glitter, Martha Stewart fine silver glitter, vintage rick rack, and embroidery floss.
I made a big mess having a lot of fun not cleaning.


Jody said...

That is really cute Hope! Your swap partner will love it!

Suz said...


I cannot tell you how much I love it. In fact, I just sent an e-mail. We noticed all the details...the hand sewing, the maching sewing, the hand-cut eyelet paper. it is in the box ready to go.

I sent you a few things. The necklace may be a little too wild...feel free to gift it to someone else...or venture out and wear something crazy. I wanted you to have something I made and I didn't have time now to make something new. The little earrings are vintage roses.

I will take pictures for you at the retreat.

Thank, my dear. You are such a talented crafter and a thoughtful person.

Please put this on the Year of Color Flickr. My goal is to learn to download but not this month!!!


stephrudolph said...

This is awesomely gorgeous! I love banners!