Here's a few pics of the treasures I found at the estate sales in Pittsburgh. I have a lot of boxes to sort through and these items are just a few of the things in the small box I am holding in the photo below. There were some nice antique frames, and books, and plates (as in etchings not ceramic), and these...
A nice horse hair drafting brush
4 yards of black velvet antique trim
A sweet spool with antique lace
I love these shaker boxes
This shaker box has no nails!
and my favorite heart stopping treasure and most awesome find...
a wooden mannequin all hand carved and awesomely beautiful!
handpainted face and legs!
There are so many treasures to share from my estate sale hunting in Pittsburgh over the weekend. I started on the one box tonight, photographing and editing, and deciding what to keep and what to sell. Honestly some of these treasures are difficult to let go but eventually they will be sold. Some may be listed on Ebay where the collectors can have bidding wars, some will be listed on etsy where I like to offer the supplies to artists at affordable and reasonable prices.
There are so many treasures to share from my estate sale hunting in Pittsburgh over the weekend. I started on the one box tonight, photographing and editing, and deciding what to keep and what to sell. Honestly some of these treasures are difficult to let go but eventually they will be sold. Some may be listed on Ebay where the collectors can have bidding wars, some will be listed on etsy where I like to offer the supplies to artists at affordable and reasonable prices.
I have bid on these mannequins over and over again on ebay. The bids would go well over $100.00, sometimes into the $300's. I knew the chances of me ever owning one would be slim. Now that I have my very own wooden mannequin doll, all I can think is I want to sell her! Ha!
I may hold on to her for a short while... maybe a few days... LOL!
wow! you found some really beautiful treasures! Love, love, love your little mannequin--what a treasure! I really don't know how you could part with it.
Smiles, Karen
Thanks for your kind comment on my blog!
I love the wooden doll!!!You just CAN'T part with it! What a treasure you've found!!!I love finding gems like house is full of gems!!!hehe
I added you to my fave blogs list.
Best to you!
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